Stone, David – Golgotha Run

SUMMARY: My mom said, “Never, ever pick up hitch hikers…” America, tomorrow Multinational corporations control the media, the government and maybe even people’s thoughts. Sinister religious cults are growing in power and influence day by day, and politicians are little more than media celebrities. In the polluted dustbowl of Middle America, Eddie Kalish makes a terrible mistake when he stops to help a pretty nurse stranded in the desert. Little does he realise that this simple act of kindness will catapult him into a vicious, all-out corporate war to gain possession of a mysterious artefact. Will country boy Eddie be able to get out alive? Too wild to be true Ð or too close for comfort? Welcome to the Dark Future.

Artikelnummer: 1 Categorie:

SUMMARY: My mom said, “Never, ever pick up hitch hikers…” America, tomorrow Multinational corporations control the media, the government and maybe even people’s thoughts. Sinister religious cults are growing in power and influence day by day, and politicians are little more than media celebrities. In the polluted dustbowl of Middle America, Eddie Kalish makes a terrible mistake when he stops to help a pretty nurse stranded in the desert. Little does he realise that this simple act of kindness will catapult him into a vicious, all-out corporate war to gain possession of a mysterious artefact. Will country boy Eddie be able to get out alive? Too wild to be true Ð or too close for comfort? Welcome to the Dark Future.


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